Of Nephews and the future

It was the baptism of my nephew's daughter Dana,  last Sunday. He and his girlfriend Rachel,  had a baby daughter seven months ago.  As we waited at the church courtyard  for their arrival, I thought how fast time flew. Wasn't it just yesterday that they were studying to become Nurses and were visiting us at home in their sleek looking white school uniforms .

Typical of today's young, they had grand plans:  finish their studies, get their diplomas, go abroad, earn good money, send some back home and visit places they only dreamt of.  Looks like all that's gone now. The dreams will just remain that because,  in the heat of the moment, the young forget.  It appears that  all these plans will go down the drain. Both have thrown  caution to the wind as they say, unmindful  that  there is the whole future ahead,  waiting for them. There was no need to hurry. 

When my nephew learned that girlfriend was pregnant, he stopped going to school.  He had to. He must get a job to earn a living,  to support his girlfriend and daughter. It goes without saying that  girlfriend  stopped school  as well. She was  pregnant. and the new life meant  carefree student ways are gone. Night outs are out.  No more wearing of their nursing scrubs. It was time to step up and live up to the responsibility of taking care of another life brought into the world - their daughter.

And yes today, the baby is getting baptized. She is one beautiful looking angel from heaven. Eyes, like her Mom's and mouth like my nephew's. Another child born into the world with unprepared set of parents. What would be her future?  I could only mutter a silent prayer of hope that all will be well.

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