How are you disposing your wasted cooking oil?
I am just wandering whether over here where I come from, if changes in the law, or if there is any law at all concerning the use of waste cooking oil from household and catering environments. Also, do we have a law governing or permitting waste cooking oils from food manufacturing, fresh or unused cooking oil”, to be used in animal feeds. In the U.S. laws had long been instituted as a measure to “safeguard animal health and the subsequent food chain under the Animal By-Products Regulation EC 1774/2002 (ABPR) and applies across Europe, including the UK ”. In most member states the ban has applied since May 2002. After October, 2004, anyone using waste cooking oil from catering premises as an animal-feed, as an ingredient in animal-feed or who consigns waste cooking oil to such animal feed operations commits an offense. Furtheremore, the ABPR mandates that “catering premises shall have their waste cooking oil taken away by their usual collectors” and/or expected to “supply...