How are you disposing your wasted cooking oil?

I am just wandering whether over here where I come from, if changes in the law, or if there is any law at all concerning the use of waste cooking oil from household and catering environments. Also, do we have a law governing or permitting waste cooking oils from food manufacturing, fresh or unused cooking oil”, to be used in animal feeds.

In the U.S. laws had long been instituted as a measure to “safeguard animal health and the subsequent food chain under the Animal By-Products Regulation EC 1774/2002 (ABPR) and applies across Europe, including the UK”. In most member states the ban has applied since May 2002. After October, 2004, anyone using waste cooking oil from catering premises as an animal-feed, as an ingredient in animal-feed or who consigns waste cooking oil to such animal feed operations commits an offense.

Furtheremore, the ABPR mandates that “catering premises shall have their waste cooking oil taken away by their usual collectors” and/or expected to “supply the waste cooking oil to either the bio-diesel producers as a raw material for transport fuel, to incinerators who will be able to use it in the generation of electricity or for other uses such as in the olechemical industry”.

The ABPR adheres and supports the recovery of waste cooking oil for such purposes as it underpins its strategies in both reducing dependency upon landfill sites as a means of waste disposal and reducing the use of fossil fuels for energy generation”.

This means that if you produce waste cooking oil as a part of your catering business, then you must ensure that it is stored properly, that none is allowed to spill and that it is collected by an authorised collector who will take the waste to an authorized site for recovery or disposal.

Furthermore, waste cooking oil must not be poured down drains or sewers as this inevitably leads to blockages and odour or vermin problems and may also pollute watercourses leading to problems for wildlife. Violations could also result in potential prosecution.

I wonder further, if we have the laws similar to the above, how is compliance?

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