
Showing posts with the label ibanag joins mondofood

MondoFood - The Network To Hang Out with Your Blogger Friends

Would you like to join a network to provide better exposure to your food blog? Then MondoFood is the place to be. What exactly is MondoFood? MondoFood is sort of the new “link exchange” programs for food blogs. The biggest difference is that all sites who participate benefit from the added exposure by getting displayed on another member’s site. It is one of the best ways to gain new readers and repeat visitors for your website or blog. What are the requirements to join? Your site MUST be food related. It doesn’t even really have to be a blog (though it would make more sense, if it is, right?) Blog topics can include: food recipes, cooking tips, food or restaurant, cookbook or , online food magazine reviews. Or, perhaps, sites with pretty pictures of food. These are acceptable too. In order to join just send them an e-mail at with the following information: 1. Blog Name 2. Blog Address 3. Blog Description plus write a post regar...