Do you know the real effects of Appetite Supressants?

Do you need to control your appetite naturally? Read this :-)

It is a pity that those who do not have the discipline to control food cravings resort to appetite suppressants.

This report shows experimental evidence that taking appetite suppressant is not worth it.

Several researches done in the past have proven that, for sympathomimetic appetite suppressants, the following should be considered:
* Allergies

If person has ever had some unusual or allergic reaction to this medicine or amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, ephedrine, epinephrine, isoproterenol, metaproterenol, methamphetamine, norepinephrine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, pseudoephedrine, terbutaline, or other appetite suppressants- it should report it to the doctor
* Diet

If person keeps the same eating habits during the appetite suppressants treatment- there will be no results! Person must follow a reduced-calorie diet while using an appetite suppressant in order to lose weight. Important thing is that changes in diet and exercise must be continued after the weight has been lost.
* Pregnancy

If a pregnant woman takes this medicine in high doses or more often than the doctor has directed, it may cause withdrawal symptoms in the newborn baby such as severe birth defects.
* Breast-feeding

It is proven that medications such as Diethylpropion and benzphetamine pass into breast milk and that’s why the use of sympathomimetic appetite suppressants during breast-feeding is not recommended. It may cause unwanted effects in nursing babies.
* Children

Although these studies lack of information- the use of these medicines by children younger than 16 years of age is not recommended.
* Other medicines

Certain medicines should not be used together with appetite suppressants. These medications include:
o Amantadine
o Amphetamines or
o Caffeine
o Chlophedianol
o Cocaine
o Medicine for asthma or other breathing problems or
o Medicine for colds, sinus problems
o Methylphenidate
o Nabilone
o Pemoline

Potential benefits of appetite suppressant treatment:

Several studies done in the past have proven that short-term use of appetite suppressant medications has been shown to modestly reduce health risks for obese individuals. These medications can:
* lower blood pressure,
* lower blood cholesterol,
* lower blood fats (triglycerides),
* decrease insulin resistance

How Much Will You Lose?
Research shows that on average, no person should expect to lose more than 5-10 percent of current body weight while taking an appetite suppressant. Most studies also suggest that after six months of use, weight loss levels off and these medications may lose their effectiveness.

Potential risks and side effects of appetite suppressant treatment

All prescription medications used to treat obesity are and should be used as controlled substances. This means that doctors need to follow rigid guidelines when prescribing them. Although abuse and dependence are uncommon with non-amphetamine appetite suppressant medications, doctors need to be cautious when prescribing them.
Good thing about these medications is that most side effects of these medications are mild and diminish as treatment continues. Appetite suppressant medications that affect serotonin have been withdrawn from the market. Medications that affect catecholamine levels may cause symptoms of sleeplessness, nervousness, and euphoria.
Some of them could cause:
* Blurred vision,
* dizziness,
* dry mouth,
* sleeplessness,
* irritability,
* stomach upset or constipation

Primary pulmonary hypertension is potentially fatal disease that affects the blood vessels in the lungs. It is proven that patients who use the appetite suppressant medications that are prescribed for a use of three months are at increased risk of developing this condition if used longer. The fact is that doctors and patients should be aware of this potentially deadly complication when they consider the risks and benefits of using appetite suppressant medications for long-term treatment of obesity. Patients taking appetite suppressants should contact their doctors if they experience:
* shortness of breath,
* chest pain,
* faintness,
* swelling in the lower legs and ankles

Development of tolerance
Several studies of appetite suppressant medications indicated that an individual can develop a tolerance on appetite suppressants four to six months of treatment. While some patients and doctors may be concerned that this indicates growing tolerance to the medications, the leveling off may indicate that the medication has reached its limit of effectiveness.
Some signs of dependence on appetite suppressants are:
* A strong desire or need to continue taking the medicine.
* A need to increase the dose to receive the effects of the medicine.
* Withdrawal side effects (mental depression, nausea or vomiting, stomach cramps
or pain, trembling, unusual tiredness or weakness)

Over-the-counter appetite suppressants
Beside these appetite suppressants that could be only used with a prescription- a few over-the-counter agents are marketed for weight loss. The most common, phenylpropanolamine is an appetite suppressant that is distantly related to the amphetamines. It is proven that this drug has the next side effect:
* increased blood pressure
* increased heart rate

That’s why it should not be used by anyone with hypertension or heart disease. Other over-the-counter medications contain fiber or bulking agents, and presumably work by increasing the sensation of fullness. Some preparations contain the anesthetic benzocaine.

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