What's Bolognese Food like?
From several sources I gathered these:
"The name of
Then tortelloni, bundles of pasta, typically shaped as a hat with a puff, filled with ricotta cheese flavoured with garlic and parsley, eggs and Parmigiano cheese; or Lasagne, pasta stuffed with ragù, bechamel sauce and Parmigiano cheese and tagliatelle, thin strips of home-made egg pasta, with a ham sauce or ragù alla Bolognese (Bolognese sauce) with meat.
The sausage and salami tradition: unrivalled sausages and salamis, the ham and, for many, the famous mortadella, already popular during the Roman Period. Among the typical second food courses are the cotoletta alla Bolognese (Bolognese cutlet) with ham, Parmigiano cheese and truffle from the Tuscan-Emilian Appennine.
Above all, the bolliti misti - (boiled mixed meat: beef, chicken, veal tongue, cotechino sausage, zampone, or stuffed pig trotter, veal head) as well as the fritto misto alla Bolognese - the Bolognese mixed fried vegetables, fruit nd cream.
The repertory of cakes is also exiting, with torta degli addobbi, literally, celebration cake, based on rice and chopped almonds; the typical Christmas cake certosino or panspeziale ; Carnival sfrappole, pinza, raviole of Saint Joseph, toghether with the traditional zuppa inglese, or trufle... the Bolognese way".