A Brillante Weblog Premio 2008 Award for Me?

I received this award from Sher.

Sher is a Singaporean friend who now stays in Croatia with her loved one. She's a great cook. I say Chef. And I can guarantee she bakes incredible cakes and pastries. Have you seen pics of her baked goodies. Makes me drool. Sher, my friend, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

And I am happy sharing the honor with these fabulous bloggers: dine o meter, east coast life, a singaporean in london, durano and last but not the least, symphony of love.

To stand side by side with these very popular bloggers makes me feel truly especial if only for a day:-)

I haven't said this, but my blogs represent me in a manner of speaking because they tell stories about who I am as a person: 'living it up' in an incredible city and loving it, enjoying the fruits of my labor as a mother of my terrific children, or perhaps, serving as a friend to my children's girl and ex-friends', add to that, remaining a hopeful daughter to a most amazing mother, and maybe as an unlikely half to an on-going partnership :-)

But why open a part of me to mostly a faceless world of 'strangers'? And are they even interested at all ? I learned that life is really about sharing even if sometimes it could mean exposing yourself to the possibility of negative vibes (I have not. It's been positive all the way), after all there had been ups and there were lots of downs or say my stories may not be other people's cup of tea. It is okey. I'd be happy to know that my life snippets managed to stir some hope or bring on a smile to even just one individual, then it would have been worth it.

And who knows, my future grandchildren might just read them when I am gone.

That would be the day!!!


Thanks again Sher!

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