
MondoFood - The Network To Hang Out with Your Blogger Friends

Would you like to join a network to provide better exposure to your food blog? Then MondoFood is the place to be. What exactly is MondoFood? MondoFood is sort of the new “link exchange” programs for food blogs. The biggest difference is that all sites who participate benefit from the added exposure by getting displayed on another member’s site. It is one of the best ways to gain new readers and repeat visitors for your website or blog. What are the requirements to join? Your site MUST be food related. It doesn’t even really have to be a blog (though it would make more sense, if it is, right?) Blog topics can include: food recipes, cooking tips, food or restaurant, cookbook or , online food magazine reviews. Or, perhaps, sites with pretty pictures of food. These are acceptable too. In order to join just send them an e-mail at with the following information: 1. Blog Name 2. Blog Address 3. Blog Description plus write a post regar

Food and other Things You May Not Know about the Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year Food Traditional Chinese New Year Food is a symbol of prosperity, good luck, health and long life for everyone at the table. Each and every food, either by its appearance or the pronunciation of its name, symbolizes age old Chinese beliefs. Traditional Chinese New Year Food like dumplings, spring Rolls, ch icken or may be a whole fish wishes good things for the coming year. Given below are some of the Traditional Chinese New Year. Chinese are known to be an ardent lover of food, especially good food. Whenever some one talks about the Chinese food then only few things like fried rice and chicken balls come to our minds. But there is a lot more to the Chinese food than these few things known to us. You can find a whole lot of different varieties of Chinese dishes ranging from region to region. "Eating is the utmost important part of life", the great Confucius once uttered these words. Chinese people have been influenced by these words to a great extent. May be

Ragù alla bolognese (Bolognese sauce)

"A ragu Bolognese style is a meat sauce that is slow simmered for at least an hour to develop a complex flavor and proper thickness. Cooking the ragu in a heavy-duty enamel or similar pot will hold the heat steady and help to give a velvety texture to the ragu. Bolognese ragu is a classic sauce for lasagne and tagliatelle. The sauce also freezes beautifully. Bolognese sauce (ragù alla bolognese in Italian) is a meat- and tomato-based pasta sauce originating in Bologna , Italy . It is typically made by simmering ground meat in tomato sauce, white wine, and stock for a long time (often upward of four hours), so that the meat softens and begins to break down into the liquid medium. The original sauce is not done with minced meat; instead, whole meat, usually beef or veal, is chopped with a knife. Spaghetti alla Bolognese, or spaghetti bolognese which is sometimes further shortened to spag bol, is a dish invented outside of Italy consisting of spaghetti with a meat sauce. In Italy

What's Bolognese Food like?

And my plan to visit Bologna in Italy also involves getting to know about its food. From several sources I gathered these: "The name of Bologna "the fat", as well as Bologna "the learned", for its famous University, the oldest in Europe , has kept unchanged over the centuries. The handmade egg pasta and the pork produce are the cutting edge of the Bolognese food tradition. Bologna's two specialities, are the the famous Tortellini , small squares of home-made egg pasta stuffed with a filling of mortadella , prosciutto (ham), eggs, nutmeg, Parmigiano cheese, pork loin. Then tortelloni , bundles of pasta, typically shaped as a hat with a puff, filled with ricotta cheese flavoured with garlic and parsley, eggs and Parmigiano cheese; or Lasagne , pasta stuffed with ragù , bechamel sauce and Parmigiano cheese and tagliatelle , thin strips of home-made egg pasta , with a ham sauce or ragù alla Bolognese (Bolognese sauce) with meat. The sausage and salam

I love seafood specially if its a treat from my unica daughter

It's the Ibanag's daughter's birthday tomorrow January 9. But first, she's in Manila for her usual holiday vacation from Jakarta. So today she takes me out for lunch and for a change she tells me let's eat seafood, Mommy. Okey, I say. She doesn't know that my stomach has been acting like crazy in the last 2 days. She's not aware that first I got the flu and then these terrible tummy aches today. So, we go to this 'classy' IT hub cum condominium all over' community, looking for a nice seafood restaurant and ordered nothing but, what else seafood. We ordered tuna belly, crab rice and baked oysters. The tuna belly, I believe slightly seared first and then bathed nicely with vegetable oil that went with the classic chili-soy sauce-calamansi juice dip was good. The crab rice, uuuhmm, well I didn't taste much crab there, but so-so. If the crab rice recipe was kindda wanting the baked oysters in cream and butter, did me in. Yuuum. Tummy sav

Blogroll it is

I am not sure if I have written about this invite already but I was invited to a site called BlogRoll . " B logrolls are sort of the new “link exchange” programs. The biggest difference is that all sites who participate benefit from the added exposure of being displayed on another member’s site. It is one of the best ways to gain new readers and repeat visitors for your website or blog. According to the invitation, they accept food related blogs. "It doesn’t even really have to be a blog (though it would make more sense). Topics can include: recipes, cooking tips, foodies, restaurant reviews, cookbook reviews, online food magazines, … even sites with just pictures of food are acceptable". The How To: Send an e-mail with these information (Blog Name, Blog Address , Blog Description) and insert in your blog one of these codes and write a post regarding this initiative: Code number 1 href=”″>Joi

New Year left-over ham with white beans

Yes, this is one terrific dish from New Year's left over ham. It is the bone that does the trick. The sultry and earthy flavor of the ham does it good. Here's the concoction: left over bone from ham 500 grams of white beans (pre-soaked overnight) 1 pack tomato sauce 5 cloves of garlic 1 large onion diced 1/2 tsp of dried oregano 250 grams cabbage or pechay or both (125 grams of each kind) 1 tsp freshly milled black or white pepper salt to taste 2 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil Simmer beans in 4 cups water. Include ham bone. When the beans are done, set aside. In another pan, saute garlic, onion and tomato sauce in vegetable or olive oil. Add tomato sauce. Simmer for 1 minute and then add beans. Simmer for additional 5 minutes. Add oregano and black pepper. Salt to taste. Add the veggies when you are ready to eat. YUM!