
The Rainbow Connection in our Food

I am doing this short intro as a tribute to my friend Sher who published a recent post about the role colors play in food preparations. Color introduces us to the world of visual culinary seduction through our eyes and on to the palate. Bright, shiny and lively colors provide the foundation for each and every gorgeous dining experience. And to help us understand color and its implications, particularly to Chinese cuisine, here's Sher and her 'Colors of your Food' . Enjoy and Cheers!

Garnish, and Ingredients - Strictly Your Freedom of Choice

Still on that salad topic. After talking about veggies, the fruits or the greens, here's my list of top salad must have add-ons and garnish. To me this culinary grouping provide the toss, the balance and the kick. Actually, creativity is the limit and eating natural serves as the impetus: Anchovies Bacon Hard boiled eggs Roast beef Left-over chili shrimps Left-over chili crabs Steamed chicken breasts Canned tuna Cooked frankfurters or hotdogs Left-over salmon steaks Left-over pork barbecue Left-over lechon (broiled hog) Christmas Ham Smoked sausages Smoked fish Pickle Relish Olives Various kinds of nuts like almonds, pecan, wall nuts, peanuts Gelatin Raisins Pasta Cheese - blue, feta cheddar, creamed, cottage, processed, And the rest of other salad kickers: worcestershire sauce tabasco chili sauce olive oil lime juice wine vinegar cider vinegar mustard balsamic vinegar catsup butter mayonnaise light cream heavy cream sour cream peppers

Are you getting the salad raw deal?

Yes, we all know that green veggies and all veggies for that matter are good for us. People, moving aggressively towards the wellness and health direction, veggies have come to attain that ebullient status. Good!Thanks to the 'saturated fat' fear factor. No need for elaborate introduction, salads can be the world's lifesaver. Salads whether green or collectively rainbow colored, are definitely are the gems of the cooking world. They could be served hot, prepared cold. Maybe simple but yet quite elegant, extravagant but at the same time, elaborate. However it is served, salads offer itself as a nutritionally delectable addition to every meal. Chef wanna-be's like myself are continuously inspired to make our own version of standard salad recipes. I love tinkering, making it possible to tweak. The result? My salads more often bear my own cooking or preparation signature [as if :-)]. My salads are really culinary expressions waiting to be discovered; adventurous...

Dressed for the killer salad

In today's health obsessed world, a healthy salad is a must. Whether it is purely green, or vegetable, or maybe, fruit, fish, meat or even molded, salads are enjoyed the world over . It is one of the most versatile dining elements to prepare which requires imagination and aesthetic creativity. Salads are served in various forms - appetizer, a side dish, sometimes, the main dish, or it could be the final touch to a meal. Salad preparations are often the most open to culinary flexibility, experimentation and culinary design. Ingredients a nd garnish will require a separate food or cooking post, so I shall leave that and focus instead on the dressing. Because what would a salad be without its dressing? Salads are capped with dressings . Be it French classic which minimally dict ates a blend of oil, pepper and salt; or continental which incorporates a variation of lime, lemon, shallots, onions, capers, herbs, garlic, anchovies , hard cooked eggs, , mustard, cayenne and...

Tofu - whey too healthy, soy cheesy and beancurdy

Because of today's trend towards healthy eating, meat is no longer the cornerstone of protein nutrition. Enter tofu. The Chinese have been using tofu for some 2000 years, since the Taoist times of the Han dynasty. From China, tofu was brought to Japan and Korea many, many, many years later. Today, billions of Asians eat tofu. It could be fresh, dried, frozen, smoked and whether it is prepared boiled, steamed, fried, baked and shaped to im itate that of animal meat, tofu is no longer relegated as a novelty food especially by the western world. As a drink its whey is comparably healthy because tofu is natural, free from cholesterol, very low in saturated fats and carbos, but rich in calcium, and other important vitamins and minerals. Tofu maybe prepared in its original form, marinated and also smoked , and used in dishes in its fried, or even grilled and stewed forms. Tofu in its silken version is ideal food combin ation that's great with soups, dressings, dips and yes, hear...

Imagine the pleasure of a merlot from the New York wineries?

It seems that I could never tire posting about wines. There is so much to read and so much to learn, regardless, I really drink occasionally. Actually, I am just playing a game called 'pretend-sommelier'. And so I never tire finding interesting information that perhaps, good to share with others out there. And so just the other day, it surprised me to find out that there are in fact wineries in the state of New York. Or was I just the only one who didn't know that? I thought all the wine production facilities are located in Napa Valley alone. I was dead wrong. Here's a link that point to those exciting New York wineries . And there's more here and here and here's a write-up from New York Times.

Mascarpone Strawberry Cake

Still posting on what I prepared for my cousin Marguerite. For our dessert, she helped me prepare, this delicious custard cake cum strawberries. The strawberries were brought home by a son who had a brief rest from work in Baguio. And the broas my cousin brought from her trip in Bohol. I thought broas exclusively came from Iloilo. Doesn't matter where it came from, really. The recipe 32 pcs broas 1/2 cup marsala 15 pcs strawberries, halved extra strawberries for decoration Mascarpone custard 4 tbsp custard powder 2 tbsp caster sugar 1 cup milk 1 cup cream 1 tsp vanilla flavoring 400 gm mascarpone cheese First make a custard by combining custard powder, sugar, milk, cream and vanilla flavoring in a saucepan. Whisk until mixture becomes smooth. Cook over very, very low heat. Set aside to cool. Fold mascarpone into cooled custard and then set aside. Now, line a 23 cmx9inch baking pan with a non stick baking paper and line the base with half the broas. Sprinkle with half the marsala...