
How are you disposing your wasted cooking oil?

I am just wandering whether over here where I come from, if changes in the law, or if there is any law at all concerning the use of waste cooking oil from household and catering environments. Also, do we have a law governing or permitting waste cooking oils from food manufacturing, fresh or unused cooking oil”, to be used in animal feeds. In the U.S. laws had long been instituted as a measure to “safeguard animal health and the subsequent food chain under the Animal By-Products Regulation EC 1774/2002 (ABPR) and applies across Europe, including the UK ”. In most member states the ban has applied since May 2002. After October, 2004, anyone using waste cooking oil from catering premises as an animal-feed, as an ingredient in animal-feed or who consigns waste cooking oil to such animal feed operations commits an offense. Furtheremore, the ABPR mandates that “catering premises shall have their waste cooking oil taken away by their usual collectors” and/or expected to “supply...

Are we eating dead food?

Enzymes are living organisms found in raw food. Fact is, humans are also born with a designated supply of naturally occurring digestive enzymes. Let’s say that our body’s supply is equivalent to 100,000 credits. As we get older, a 100 credits here, a thousand, over here, another ten thousand over there. Credits deducted. The food that we take can also spell the difference. What we eat can either add, or further reduce credits. Note that food cooked over 121 degrees Fahrenheit or more has zero credit. It is dead as far as enzymes are concerned. And so are processed foods. The more we eat these types of food, more enzyme credits are gone to the wind because the body actually needs more enzyme credits to digest dead food. This sounds morbid but it is the truth. I know I have been there. Eating right is crucial in maintaining a healthy number of enzymes. Because we cannot avoid cooking our food, we therefore need a way to add to, or at least maintain a good number. This m...

Bottle Feeding your Infant? Take Note

1. Allergic reactions occurring with your babies may be caused by your latex rubber nipples if you are still using it. Latex can also contain substances that maybe linked to cancer. 2. Your best bet is to use glass bottles. I remember my father telling a story that we were drinking infant formula from a pepsi cola bottle. (My God that’s more than 50 years ago). Studies have shown that plastic bottles can leach a bisphenol A (BPA) a highly toxic chemical. Use bottles that are not marked “7” or “PC”. Avoid hard, plastic feeding bottles. 3. Do not soft plastic liners which may leach chemicals into formula, especially when heated. 4. Use filtered tap water. If water is fluoridated use a water filtrating equipment that use reverse osmosis. This is to remove fluoride from the water. The American Dental Association discourages fluoridated water most specially for infants 5. In choosing infant formula, better to use powdered. Liquid formulas have higher levels of BPA. 6. Use only ...

In this case breast is best

All my children were breastfed. First, because it was healthier and second, it was cheaper. But because my milk only lasted till they were 5 months, there was no other choice but go formula. I normally chose the middle brands, not so expensive, yet not so cheap. Except for my youngest son, who drank only soya powdered milk because he was lactose intolerant, I experienced using many formula brands. I was never loyal to any. Whatever, was cost effective and yet provided the “nutrients” a child needs, that was my brand. At the start, I also used glass bottles, for the milk formula preparation. Even at that early stage, I knew from my gut that I could not trust plastics. I believed then, as I believe now that plastic is something that will bring more harm than good, in the long term. But because the glass bottles keep breaking and was costing me a lot, I had no choice but go plastic bottles. Now, why am I talking about this here? My children are all adults now. But recently, I read this ol...

Farting cattle? Try eating 'roo' meat

What's that? Ahh, yes. Yesterday, it was camels, today its kangaroo meat. I really was ignorant about kangaroo meat for food or as a substitute for beef and lamb chops :-) My nearest recollection of coming face to face with a kangaroo was in a zoo. And here's what 'roo' meat advocates say. The fight against global warming can use the help of those who might be interested to try kangaroo steak or kangaroo lasagna. Because, if you do, that's less cattle butchered and that means less cattle farting. Cattle passing gas contributes to greenhouse gases. Yes, sireeee, seriously, as in methane:-). This is not funny. In fact Greenpeace , the most widely recognized environment inspired organization aside from WWF, made a "controversial call to eat less beef" and instead switch to kangaroo meat. It is said that, " nearly a quarter of the planet's greenhouse gases came from agriculture, which releases the potent heat-trapping gas methane". On the othe...

Magic milk, anyone?

‘Magic milk’ or milk that comes from camels are said to be highly nutritious, three times more than Vitamin C and ten times iron provided by cow’s milk. It is said to cure numerous illn esses like diarrhea or even tuberculosis and may even act like an aphrodisiac. Camels are of two breeds: the Bactrians or the two humped camels which are famo us for their meat and hair; and the Dromedary or single humped which are best for milk production. Milk is expr essed by hand and it appears that camel milk yield is really dependent on the bre ed, it’s grazing and the time of the year. Camel milk is expressed best in the presence of its young. So if you get the chance, wou ldn’t it be nice to taste what I am sure would be an exquisite serving of camel dairy products from milk to cheese, chocolates and ice cr eam. YUM ! And by the way can you gu ess what animal wears a br a? See the basis of this po st here and here .

Make the best of avocados in season

If you are thinking of having tacos one of these days, try this avoca do based dip called guacamole. As if you didn't know that. But this is my version and as if it is any different from the rest:-) We all know that avocado is the healthiest fruit ever. And because it is in season over here, I am going to take advantage of that and use it as dip, as dessert or as salad add-on. Now for my version, I would need: 3 very ripe avocados, mashed 1 small onion preferably red, chopped fine green onions, chopped fine 3-5 cloves of minced garlic 1 cup finely chopped ripe tomatoes 1/8 cup of lime juice freshly milled black pepper according to taste salt to taste 1/2 tsp chilis finely minced Just mix everything well and then off to be chilled. Re-calibrate taste before serving. Use as dip for your favorite tacos.