
My Breakfast Combis

Breakfast as we all know is the most important meal of the day. But who among us take this fact seriously or thoroughly. Not even I who is sort of a health nut. My last post was about a new food wellness menu I designed to suit my hypertensive condition. This post will further expand that because I shall write about different breakfast combinations that can be tried or explored. So here goes: BTW my breakfast combis utilize locally sourced food items -meaning it is mostly for Philippine audiences. 1. Fruits in season as listed below: in balls, slices, chunks, tidbits, or in shake, or perhaps juiced. Bananas as in Lakatan Pineapple Papaya Mango Melon Watermelon Melon-Papaya Chico Guyabano (Sour Sop) Atis Avocado Ube Halaya Fresh fruit salad 2. Boiled Banana Saba - plain Natural Honey Glazed Kamote or Sweet Potatoes Baked Potatoes bathed in Evoo Boiled Saba Bananas with mascuvado sugar Boiled natural Corn drizz...

A Recipe for Wellness

My new food wellness menu: Breakfast: Extra Virgin Olive Oil (evoo)on top of a grated garlic topped slice of bread (2pcs) (I don't take any processed anything for my bread no more) Any fruit in season, maybe papaya, avocados, melon, pineapple, ripe mangoes (2-3 slices depending on fruit size) Coffee (quarter of a teaspoon instant coffee grains and same amount of brown sugar) Snack 15 minute Meditation plus a slice of fruit Lunch Dinner left over (steamed again)usually fish or lean meat portions only Vegetable Salad of any hodge podge of green turned into a salad (with ginger and evoo on top) Less than a cup of rice Fresh Fruit Snack Fresh fruit juice with any type of pasta (chicken breast or clam or shrimp) with liberal evoo dressing) Dinner Vegetable usually, onion soup (uncreamed) Green salad bathed in evoo Steamed fish or chicken breast Fresh fruit I have been on this for almost a week and I feel good about it. The weather over in this part of the world is scorching heat and h...

My Crab and Squash Tidbits

Here's a squash recipe I tweaked to fit into my newly designed wellness menu: 3 cups peeled and cut tidbit sized squash green chilies 1 1/2 cups of coconut milk 4 regular sized blue crabs steamed, (Remove claws, and slice each crab in to two, set aside) 2 small dried bayleaf 1/2 tsp cumin 1 small onion quartered 5 cloves of pounded garlic 2 tbsps vegetable oil 5 cloves of pounded garlic On low heat, saute garlic on vegetable oil, then add onions. Add the 3 cups of squash. When squash is half-cooked, add crabs. Stir often to avoid veggie burning. Add bayleaf, salt, cumin and coconut milk. Cook until coconut begins to oil and curdle. Add green chilies. Serve hot. Serves 4.

My Onion Soup Recipe

Since a week ago I have designed a new wellness menu to see whether I will feel better. This onion soup recipe is a component of that wellness menu. I need 4 tablespoons evoo 5 cups thinly sliced white onions 6 cups chicken breast stock 1 cup dry white wine 5 slices french bread or wheatbread goat's or white cheese (if available) pinch of salt and black pepper to taste Saute the onions on evoo for 10 minutes. This requires continuous stirring. Add broth and wine and cook over very low heat for 15 minutes. Salt to taste. Add freshly milled black pepper. Pour into deep bowls. Best when hot.

How are you disposing your wasted cooking oil?

I am just wandering whether over here where I come from, if changes in the law, or if there is any law at all concerning the use of waste cooking oil from household and catering environments. Also, do we have a law governing or permitting waste cooking oils from food manufacturing, fresh or unused cooking oil”, to be used in animal feeds. In the U.S. laws had long been instituted as a measure to “safeguard animal health and the subsequent food chain under the Animal By-Products Regulation EC 1774/2002 (ABPR) and applies across Europe, including the UK ”. In most member states the ban has applied since May 2002. After October, 2004, anyone using waste cooking oil from catering premises as an animal-feed, as an ingredient in animal-feed or who consigns waste cooking oil to such animal feed operations commits an offense. Furtheremore, the ABPR mandates that “catering premises shall have their waste cooking oil taken away by their usual collectors” and/or expected to “supply...

Are we eating dead food?

Enzymes are living organisms found in raw food. Fact is, humans are also born with a designated supply of naturally occurring digestive enzymes. Let’s say that our body’s supply is equivalent to 100,000 credits. As we get older, a 100 credits here, a thousand, over here, another ten thousand over there. Credits deducted. The food that we take can also spell the difference. What we eat can either add, or further reduce credits. Note that food cooked over 121 degrees Fahrenheit or more has zero credit. It is dead as far as enzymes are concerned. And so are processed foods. The more we eat these types of food, more enzyme credits are gone to the wind because the body actually needs more enzyme credits to digest dead food. This sounds morbid but it is the truth. I know I have been there. Eating right is crucial in maintaining a healthy number of enzymes. Because we cannot avoid cooking our food, we therefore need a way to add to, or at least maintain a good number. This m...

Bottle Feeding your Infant? Take Note

1. Allergic reactions occurring with your babies may be caused by your latex rubber nipples if you are still using it. Latex can also contain substances that maybe linked to cancer. 2. Your best bet is to use glass bottles. I remember my father telling a story that we were drinking infant formula from a pepsi cola bottle. (My God that’s more than 50 years ago). Studies have shown that plastic bottles can leach a bisphenol A (BPA) a highly toxic chemical. Use bottles that are not marked “7” or “PC”. Avoid hard, plastic feeding bottles. 3. Do not soft plastic liners which may leach chemicals into formula, especially when heated. 4. Use filtered tap water. If water is fluoridated use a water filtrating equipment that use reverse osmosis. This is to remove fluoride from the water. The American Dental Association discourages fluoridated water most specially for infants 5. In choosing infant formula, better to use powdered. Liquid formulas have higher levels of BPA. 6. Use only ...