I have been a friend of Ginger for a long time now
With my hypertensive condition, I take every wellness advice I get from friends and relatives to heart. For one, my mother told me that ginger could be a powerful health food. This root crop grown in most Asian countries could possibly in the following instances: reduce arthritic pain
has cholesterol reducing properties
may be good to thin the blood helpful in treating or preventing heart ailments
could aid in reducing anxiety
possibly prevent diabetic induced cataract
could prevent entererotoxigenic Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin induced diarrhea
could help prevent seamotion sickness, morning sickness in pregnant women and nausea after chemotherapy
ginger oil could possibly help prevent skin cancer
possess sialogogue properties which makes swallowing action easier
could help prevent dyspepsia, constipation, colic, colds, sore throat
with palm tree juice can possibly prevent flu
can be prepa...